By Dr Daisy A. May (MRCVS BVSc), Veterinary Surgeon We will all be personally familiar with the annoying and unpleasant myriad of symptoms that go hand in hand with a…
Archives for May 2023
How To Save Money On Vet Bills – Ten Ways To Save
By Dr Daisy A. May BVSc MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon Welcome to 2023: crocs have peaked, the giant shoulder pad has made a questionable comeback, and vet bills have never been…
Should I Be A Vet Or A Doctor?
From a very young age, there were only ever two career paths I considered: that of a doctor, or that of a veterinarian. Indeed, if you had asked nine year…
I’ve Never Brushed My Cat’s Teeth – Pet Owner Confessions
As a vet, there is little I love more than an honest pet owner. No, really. I love it when you guys are honest with me. It makes life a…
The Best Capsule Wardrobe For Summer Travel To Europe
Hi. I’m Daisy. And if you’re new here, you might be wondering what exactly qualifies me to be telling you what you should (and shouldn’t) be packing if you hope…